Hikari Instruments Duos Eurorack と Intellijel Designs Bifold を組み合わせ、Mutable Instruments Tides mk2 でBifoldのウェーブホールドの加減に揺らぎを与え、その出力をmicrocellに入れてそのパラメーターにも揺らぎを与える。そうして出来上がったものを連続で30分以上、録音した。
Hikari Instruments Duos Eurorack combined with Intellijel Designs Bifold.
Mutable Instruments Tides mk2 was used to fluctuate the wave hold modulation of Bifold.
Mutable Instruments Tides mk2 was used to fluctuate the wave hold modulation of Bifold.
Next, the processed sound of Bifold was input to microcell, and its parameters were also fluctuated. The result was recorded continuously for more than 30 minutes.
I was going to embed a sample of the fragments in this page, but the layout of the audio player is not yet finished, so I will do it next time.
2022-08-19 > 音楽とか