実は最近、別件でちょっと使ってみたいアプリケーションがあり、試用版をダウンロードしようとしたところ、macOS Sonoma以降でないとダメと拒否されてしまった。現在、Venturaはそこそこの安定感があり、雑作業が中断するような相性問題は起きていないのだけれど、そろそろSonomaにアップデートしなければいけない頃合いなのかもしれないと思いつつ、やはりアップデートすることの懸念点もある。
▶︎macOS Sonomaアップデートの不安材料
- Swinsian
- 写真アプリ
- 日本語入力
- 音楽制作環境
- macOS Sonoma
いやいや、macOS Sonoma自体が懸念材料だろう。またいつものように無駄機能満載なんじゃないか?
偶然、Swinsian 3.0 開発中の情報を見つける
そんなわけで、まずは何より、SwinsianとSonomaの相性問題が出ていないか、ちゃんと使えているのか調べ始めたら、偶然にSwinsian 3.0に言及されているGithubのページが見つかった。
iTunes 12.9.5 quits unexpectedly on macOS Sonoma after installing #419
ここでのやり取りの中で、「Optionキーを押しながらSwinsian | Check For Updatesを選択すると、Check For Updates (Beta)と表示される」と言うレスがあるのだ。日頃、ふと思い付いた時に手動でアップデートが来てないかチェックしていたのだが、Optionキーを押しながら確認するというのは全く気が付かなかった。

まだ手元のM1 Mac miniはVenturaのままSonomaにアップデートしておらず、現行バージョンのSwinsian 2.3.6で不満はないのでダウンロードせずに様子見しているが、Sonomaでの不具合対応も行われているようなので、今後しばらくは引き続き使っていけそうである。
Version 3.0 Preview 19
Note: This is a beta release.
・3.0.0 (601)
Improves responsiveness when switching tracks.
Fixes bug that could cause Swinsian to fail to quit.
Fixes a crash when sorting.
・3.0.0 (600)
Fixes replay gain type setting button in preferences.
Changes to watched folder behaviour.
Adds deselect all command.
Various UI fixes.
・3.0.0 (599)
Fixes several UI drawing bugs on macOS Sonoma.
・3.0.0 (598)
Adds support for album gain ReplayGain mode.
Fixes replaygain issues with some file types.
Fixes issues with gapless playback in AirTunes mode.
UI improvments.
・3.0.0 (597)
Fixes replaygain issues.
Fixes bug that prevented removing watched folders from the list in the preferences.
Fixes gapless playback issues.
Fixes several UI issues.
・3.0.0 (595)
Fixes a possible crash on startup.
・3.0.0 (594)
Fixes replaygain setting for the next track being applied to the end of the current track.
Fixes bugs with type-to-select in the art grid.
Adds the abiity to sort the art grid by date created.
Fixes several crashes.
・3.0.0 (593)
Fixes Applescript support.
Fixes ReplayGain with some types of files.
Fixes a bug that caused DSF files to display a length of zero.
Stability improvements.
・3.0.0 (592)
Improves gapless playback with some MP4 and MP3 files.
Fixes importing iTunes smart playlists with rating rules.
Fixes smart playlists that reference other smart playlists within playlist folders.
Minor UI fixes.
・3.0.0 (591)
Fixes a problem that could cause crashes with large libraries.
Fixes a crash when changing the colour of the art grid background.
Performance improvements when using the browser columns.
Improves sorting of browser columns.
Adds support for sort fields in smart playlist rules.
Minor UI fixes.
・3.0.0 (590)
Adds support for audio device ‘hog’ mode.
Adds support for autocompleting the sort artist and sort album fields.
Fixes problems reading new tag fields from files.
Fixes issues displaying some PNG format album art.
Various minor track inspector bug fixes.
・3.0.0 (589)
Fixes several replay gain bugs.
Improvements to library xml export to fix compatability with some applications.
Fixes reading the audio properties of some VBR MP3 files.
Fixes problems dragging the desktop widget.
Various minor UI fixes.
・3.0.0 (588)
Fixes table drawing glitches on older versions of macOS.
Fixes several bugs in the search options popover.
Fixes reading the audio properties of some VBR MP3 files.
Various minor UI fixes.
・3.0.0 (586)
Fixes a crash when running on Ventura with the art column enabled.
Fixes dragging of artwork images onto the art panel.
Fixes a crash when disconnecting iPods.
Improves scrolling performance in the track table.
Reduces peak memory use of watched folder scanning.
Adds support for the ‘Disabled’ field in iTunes XML libraries.
・3.0.0 (578)
Fixes a potential crash when sorting tracks.
Fixes a crash when changing the art grid background colour.
Fixes a crash when fetching artwork from the internet.
・3.0.0 (571)
Fixes stop after current track command.
Fixes issues with smart playlists when using new field types.
Fixes several Airtunes bugs.
・3.0.0 (569)
Fixes several crashes.
Fixes issues with Last.fm scrobbling.
・3.0.0 (568)
Fixes issues with Last.fm scrobbling.
・3.0.0 (567)
Fixes issues with Last.fm scrobbling of some tracks.
Sorting by custom search fields no longer ignores leading ‘the’ and punctuation.
Various minor UI fixes.
3.0.0 (566)
Fixes issues with some track table cells not being updated when editing tags.
Various minor UI improvements.
Stability improvements.
・3.0.0 (565)
Fixes issues with the xml library export command.
Various minor UI fixes.
Stability improvements.
・3.0.0 (563)
Improves accessibility support in the equalizer window.
Various minor bug fixes.
・3.0.0 (562)
Fixes various UI issues with the browser columns and playback queue.
・3.0.0 (561)
Fixes crash when playing tracks with ReplayGain support enabled.
・3.0.0 (560)
Adds support for additional fields (Movement, Movement Name, Work, Barcode, Lyricist and Original Release Date)
Adds support for per track volume settings.
Adds support for replaygain tags.
Adds support for custom per track start and stop times.
Adds support for sorting tags.
Adds the ability to show file paths in the browser.
Adds the ability to show up to 6 columns in the browser.
New playback queue interface.
Support for dark mode.
Adds some built in equalizer presets.
Adds support for importing EQF equalizer files.
Adds the ability to copy music files when exporting playlists.
Adds the ability to export the lirbary as an iTunes-style XML file.
Allows using membership of other smart playlists as a rule in smart playlists.
Gives more control over how Swinsian changes the audio device settings to match the current track.
2024-09-23 > 僕はアップル様が嫌い